Municipality of Tigbauan




Other Services Offered

- Pre-natal Check up

- Medical Consultation

- Tetanus Toxoid Immunization

- Child Immunization

- Laboratory

- Sputum Examination

- Issuance of Sanitary and Health Certificate

- Birthing Clinic

- Dental services

- Ambulance Services


- Diabetic Screening

- Family Planning Counselling

- Issuance of Prescription for Senior Citizens


Barangay Consultation Schedule 

Dapdap - !st Tuesday

Cordova - 2nd Wednesday

Dorong an - 3rd Tuesday

Atabayan - 3rd Thursday

Binaliuan - 4th thursday

Barosong - 1st Thursday

Bagacay - 2nd Thursday

Napanapan - 2nd Tuesday

Bangkal - 4th Tuesday



 Sixteen Barangays participated in the training of "Botika ng Barabgay" operators last May 28, 209 at the Coco Grove Beach Resort, Tigbauan, Iloilo. The said activity was conducted thru the effort of the LGU in cooperation with the Center for Health Development, Region VI. They gave out an initial seed capital of medicines worth P25,000.00 for each Barangay. This wasachieved thru the effort of our beloved Mayor James Excel Torres. According to Mayor Torres, this is one way where his constituents in Barangays especially the indigents can reach out for cheaper medicines. in addition to this, it will also serve as an income-generating program for the beneficiary Barangays. The recipients are the following Barangay; Alupidian, Atabayan, Baguingin, Bayuco, Bangkal, Barosong, Binaliuan Menor, Bugasongan, Cordova Sur, Cordova Norte, Linobayan, Nagba, Taro, Parara Norte and Napnapan Sur.

The honorable Mayor added that there are still more "Botika ng Barangay" outlet coming out to be installed for the second batch. Dir. Lydia Depra-Ramos, Regional Directress of CHD Region VI pledged to grant additional ten units to be distributed in other far-flung Barangays.

This program was asserted by our Honorable Mayor for the good of the people of Tigbauan to have an excellent response to our emergency needs.

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